In 2019, the Mediterranean Waterbirds Network (MWN) workshop took place on the 13th-14th of April 2019 in Évora, Portugal, and involved for the second time both North African and northern Mediterranean countries.
It brought together representatives of the national coordinators of International Waterbird Census (IWC) in Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia, as well as representatives from Albania, France, Greece, Italy, Macedonia, Montenegro, Portugal, Serbia, Turkey and Spain. Representatives of Wetlands International (WI) were also present.
Topics of the workshop
During the meeting, several topics were discussed:
- the activities carried out since the last meeting in October 2017;
- the next scientific article on North African countries and a new statistical method able to estimate waterbird populations' trends despite significant amount of missing data;
- summaries on Mediterranean IWC and an information tool that could highlight the work of all national coordinators while maintaining consistent communication between countries;
- state of knowledge on colonial birds in each country;
- a presentation of Medwaterbirds website and a tutorial on how to import data.
For further information, read the report of the workshop.