A second regional workshop on International Waterbird Census (IWC) in North Africa was held from the 2nd to the 6th of June 2013 in El Kala (Algeria), under the supervision of the Algerian Forest General Direction and the National Park of El Kala, with the support of the Tour du Valat and the French National Game and Wildlife Agency (ONCFS). This workshop focused on recent developments in training for trainers with the presentation of new teaching tools. This workshop was also coupled with the meeting of the “North Africa” sub-region for the implementation of the AEWA African Initiative, through the application of the AEWA "Plan of Action for Africa".
The objective of this workshop was to facilitate exchanges between the IWC National Coordinators of North African countries (Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Sudan and Tunisia), the national administration responsible for the waterbird and wetland conservation (AEWA National Focal Points), the Secretariat of AEWA and some donors.

For further informations, download the report of the workshop.
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